"I wanna be on the same page since day 1"

I know people aren't going to agree with me on this. That's just something I've had to learn the hard way. But this is the place for my opinions so that's what this is gonna be. And please. I don't need this mansplained to me by anyone of any gender.

I don't date my friends. I never have. Every single friend that has tried to date me has gotten the boot from my life. Why?
I'm juvenile in that way that I really wanna trust my friendships. I want to know everything is platonic and ok. I want to know I can be affectionate with my friends without accidentally feeding some crushing lurking right below the surface of what I assume to be a close friendship.
I don't want to wake up to a desperate message from any of my friends expressing the deepest hidden desire to get into my pants and heart. I don't want to have to hesitate before telling a friend I love them. I don't wanna have to overthink the way a friend looks at me. I wanna feel comfortable going swimming or changing in front of a friend if a push comes to shove.

And when I date someone I want there to be a spark from day 1. I want to feel like we know where we're headed and that we're headed there hand in hand with open communication and excitement between us. That's what I had with my babe from the moment we matched on tinder, that's what we have now as my laptop rests on their back and I'm typing away while they're playing a video game.
You know what I have with people who tried to date me after befriending me? Blocked contacts. A vague sense of having gotten betrayed. Resentment.