Okay, so who am I? Like really? Right?
Well here are the simple parts: I'm 24, I'm 5'8"

I'm a megalomaniacal loud little shit, and I don't intend to change this or work on this. What I'm getting at is that I'm a lot, I've always been a lot.
That pulls people in just as much as it pushes people out. People often find me fascinating and then dip out after well, the initial feeling of "wow weird" is gone. Because of this turnaround rate, I'm cold at first but when I warm up to someone they become so endlessly important to me.

Personality? More like a disorder am I right fellas?
I have a lot of emotional hangups that I actually AM working on though. I'm bad at expressing my emotions, or really even processing them enough to acknowledge feeling them in the first place. So basically I seem super cold and I've even been described as scary a handful of times in my life. This, I suppose is partly due to my Tragic Backstory etc etc etc or the time I hit my head rly hard. Who's to say lol

I have an annoying habbit of getting obsessed with something for an unpredictable amount of time. I've been doing this since I was little. These are, surprisingly enough, things a lot of people don't like talking about, so I don't. This has also lead me to being terminally fuckin' embarrassed of all my interests. Hell I haven't been able to tell people who my favorite artists are or what kinda movies I like without crumbling to dust.
But here's a small list of things I like: fnaf, btd2, pathfinder, clubbing, rabies, leprosy, plane crashes, scientology (i don't LIKE scientology, i like reading ABOUT scientology), carpentry, sex, neon lights, energy drinks, loud & fast music, long walks at night, bugs

I wish this was as simple as everything above. Alas.
WELL. I'm not cis! I'm not het! Eat my ass!!!!!

I was raised communist.
I'm an extrovert.
I'm an extremely picky eater.
My favorite bug is the golden mantis.
I hate the cold.
I'm not very empathetic.
I'm a lot more secretive than I wish I was.
I'm dating someone I adore

Did you get the answers you were looking for? I'm sorry if you didn't.