Sui baiting strangers
"Some people should commit KYS, it's that simple"
Sometimes it just feels so freeing and nice to tell someone to go off themself! And some people should! Let me list them out for you!
People who disagree with me
Wtf do u mean "ur right" ?? That's such an outdated opinion wtf? I'm right. Me. Kys if u disagree with me. What do u mean u've never met me and therefore don't even know if u agree with me or not? Just repeat after me "Will is right" there u go damn.
People who agree with me, but do it wrong
Oh come on, I showed u how to do it the right way and here u are doing it wrong. :eye_roll: @ u omg, kys
The entity that messed up my laptop's keyboard
OK THIS ONE'S PERSONAL. WTF. I wake up one day and everything's fucked up. Everything's organized wrong. Where - used to be I now have /. Do u have any idea how annoying it is to type now?? Kys fr.
That one Mickey D's employee who gave me half a milkshake
What gives? I'm a good person and you punish me so? U don't even know me. Subway needs to start selling milkshakes they'd never do this to me. Charged me for the whole thing too, paid for a full, got a half. Acted like there was nothing wrong. I know u poured me the sludge from the machine. U saw the whole thing. Did it not feel light to u? sure felt light to me. kys.
Yall sell nothing edible. My friends will b like "let's get wendys" and im just sitting in the back like ok cool i guess i'll starve. Luckily idk anyone who likes wendys anymore, so that's just a bitter memory. Commit corporate suicide
People who get caught cheating on tests
Bc of u teachers are on edge now. They dont trust us anymore. U made it harder for ppl like me who are good enough at cheating to not get caught. Can't believe it's 2022 and some of yall lean over to look at someone's paper like ur left arm weighs 700 pounds. kys
This is not the half empty milkshake
"Some people should commit KYS, it's that simple"
Sometimes it just feels so freeing and nice to tell someone to go off themself! And some people should! Let me list them out for you!
People who disagree with me
Wtf do u mean "ur right" ?? That's such an outdated opinion wtf? I'm right. Me. Kys if u disagree with me. What do u mean u've never met me and therefore don't even know if u agree with me or not? Just repeat after me "Will is right" there u go damn.
People who agree with me, but do it wrong
Oh come on, I showed u how to do it the right way and here u are doing it wrong. :eye_roll: @ u omg, kys
The entity that messed up my laptop's keyboard
OK THIS ONE'S PERSONAL. WTF. I wake up one day and everything's fucked up. Everything's organized wrong. Where - used to be I now have /. Do u have any idea how annoying it is to type now?? Kys fr.
That one Mickey D's employee who gave me half a milkshake
What gives? I'm a good person and you punish me so? U don't even know me. Subway needs to start selling milkshakes they'd never do this to me. Charged me for the whole thing too, paid for a full, got a half. Acted like there was nothing wrong. I know u poured me the sludge from the machine. U saw the whole thing. Did it not feel light to u? sure felt light to me. kys.
Yall sell nothing edible. My friends will b like "let's get wendys" and im just sitting in the back like ok cool i guess i'll starve. Luckily idk anyone who likes wendys anymore, so that's just a bitter memory. Commit corporate suicide
People who get caught cheating on tests
Bc of u teachers are on edge now. They dont trust us anymore. U made it harder for ppl like me who are good enough at cheating to not get caught. Can't believe it's 2022 and some of yall lean over to look at someone's paper like ur left arm weighs 700 pounds. kys

This is not the half empty milkshake