"She's so cool. Fuck."

My babe's very very very into music. They have stacks and stacks and stacks of cds. Hundreds, legit. And their liked songs on spotify are in the thousands. And it's all different kinds of music too, although there is a slight focus on metal. But we run into any and all kinds of songs when she puts it on shuffle and lets the list do it's thing, only skipping songs that are way past 20 minutes long (I didn't even know that was a thing ngl)

And we just ran into something extremely anime. No shame on my baby. Just vibing to it like anything else. It's beautiful to me. Like I grew up being terminally ashamed of everything I liked that could even theoretically be seen as cringe. I'm in awe. I want to be more like her some day. Similarly, when my mom asked what they liked, they just flat out listed a handful of interests. I'm stuck with just saying "ehhh you know idk"