I dont want the reviews clogging up my main tea page, so I'm gonna put them here
REVIEW: Oolong Pink Beauty
Ingredients: Oolong tea, dried pineapple, dried coconut, dried cranberry, lemon, rosebuds
Pre-mixed: Yes
1/10 I hate it. I hate it so much. This tea made me physically feel bad after drinking it. I poured it down the drain. I don't know what the fuck is going on with this. In theory it has everything I should like. It even smells good. But it tastes like my long dead grandpa's sweaty socks. And I'm pretty sure it has cinnamon because I've been clawing at my skin like there's no tomorrow.
REVIEW: Pineapple and Peach
Ingredients: Black tea, dried pineapple, dried peach
Pre-mixed: No
8.5/10 An experiment that turned out way better than I expected it to. I got annoyed with my Tub O Black Tea (the cheap shit from the grocery store) and decided to see if I could do anything with it. So I mixed it with some dried fruit and it's actually Not Bad. I think i might mix a small jar of this for myself
REVIEW: French Earl Grey
Ingredients: Black tea, bergamot, dried mango
Pre-mixed: Yes
10/10 One my favorite teas. One of my favorite earl greys. I don't think I understand the name of it, though. Is the tea itself french? I sure didn't order it from France. Is it particularly french to add mango to ealr grey? French people let me know. It doesn't seem like it, but I'm willing to be proven wrong.
REVIEW: Rosemint
Ingredients: Oolong tea, milky oolong tea, green tea, rosebuds, peppermint leaves
Pre-mixed: No
8.5/10 It's good, love the minty aftertaste. But it's not what I was hoping for.
You ever taste something so good you spend the rest of your life chasing that high? I had rosemint tea once, pre-mixed, came in bags. It was great, one of my all time favorites, even. But I haven't found it since. So now it's this enigma from my past, and I keep trying to recreate it. I've failed several times with mockingly average results. This was above average, that's encouraging. I'm gonna keep trying.
REVIEW: Exotic Melon
Ingredients: Green tea, milky oolong tea, melon pieces, guava pieces, goji berries, tea flowers, sunflowers
Pre-mixed: Yes
6/10 They weren't lying, that tea can melon. I have been avoiding this tea for long enough because of the goji berries in it. I don't know what inspired the hatred for goji berries in me, but I might have judged this tea unfairly because of it. I apologize. It tastes strange. Like you squeezed a watermelon dry and poured the liquid through a plant. It's not unpleasant, not exaxtly. The flavor is weak, but that is to be expected from green tea. It's not the tea's fault, I've burned my tastebuds with quadtruple shot espressos, energy drinks and enough artificial flavors to make my blood glow in the dark. I'll like green tea more some day, I promise.
REVIEW: Earl Grey with Flowers
Ingredients: Black tea, jasmine flowers, bergamot
Pre-mixed: Yes
9.5/10 I love earl grey. I'm so fucking biased it hurts. It would be a 10/10 if I didn't have better earl greys, and I'm not gonna compare a king to a peasant. I forgot I made a cup of this earlier today (ha-ha, earl-ier) so I ran into a cold old cup of tea in the living room. A pleasant surprise, and still better than most other teas even after getting abandoned.
REVIEW: Oolong Pink Beauty
Ingredients: Oolong tea, dried pineapple, dried coconut, dried cranberry, lemon, rosebuds
Pre-mixed: Yes
1/10 I hate it. I hate it so much. This tea made me physically feel bad after drinking it. I poured it down the drain. I don't know what the fuck is going on with this. In theory it has everything I should like. It even smells good. But it tastes like my long dead grandpa's sweaty socks. And I'm pretty sure it has cinnamon because I've been clawing at my skin like there's no tomorrow.

REVIEW: Pineapple and Peach
Ingredients: Black tea, dried pineapple, dried peach
Pre-mixed: No
8.5/10 An experiment that turned out way better than I expected it to. I got annoyed with my Tub O Black Tea (the cheap shit from the grocery store) and decided to see if I could do anything with it. So I mixed it with some dried fruit and it's actually Not Bad. I think i might mix a small jar of this for myself
REVIEW: French Earl Grey
Ingredients: Black tea, bergamot, dried mango
Pre-mixed: Yes
10/10 One my favorite teas. One of my favorite earl greys. I don't think I understand the name of it, though. Is the tea itself french? I sure didn't order it from France. Is it particularly french to add mango to ealr grey? French people let me know. It doesn't seem like it, but I'm willing to be proven wrong.

REVIEW: Rosemint
Ingredients: Oolong tea, milky oolong tea, green tea, rosebuds, peppermint leaves
Pre-mixed: No
8.5/10 It's good, love the minty aftertaste. But it's not what I was hoping for.
You ever taste something so good you spend the rest of your life chasing that high? I had rosemint tea once, pre-mixed, came in bags. It was great, one of my all time favorites, even. But I haven't found it since. So now it's this enigma from my past, and I keep trying to recreate it. I've failed several times with mockingly average results. This was above average, that's encouraging. I'm gonna keep trying.

REVIEW: Exotic Melon
Ingredients: Green tea, milky oolong tea, melon pieces, guava pieces, goji berries, tea flowers, sunflowers
Pre-mixed: Yes
6/10 They weren't lying, that tea can melon. I have been avoiding this tea for long enough because of the goji berries in it. I don't know what inspired the hatred for goji berries in me, but I might have judged this tea unfairly because of it. I apologize. It tastes strange. Like you squeezed a watermelon dry and poured the liquid through a plant. It's not unpleasant, not exaxtly. The flavor is weak, but that is to be expected from green tea. It's not the tea's fault, I've burned my tastebuds with quadtruple shot espressos, energy drinks and enough artificial flavors to make my blood glow in the dark. I'll like green tea more some day, I promise.

REVIEW: Earl Grey with Flowers
Ingredients: Black tea, jasmine flowers, bergamot
Pre-mixed: Yes
9.5/10 I love earl grey. I'm so fucking biased it hurts. It would be a 10/10 if I didn't have better earl greys, and I'm not gonna compare a king to a peasant. I forgot I made a cup of this earlier today (ha-ha, earl-ier) so I ran into a cold old cup of tea in the living room. A pleasant surprise, and still better than most other teas even after getting abandoned.